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Louise Koeckhoven

Louise Koeckhoven

Strength, Career & Life Coaching

What I Do?

I use both Strengths-based and Co-Active Coaching practices with private clients, young talent and organizations. Focus areas are career moves, the transition to adolescence, communication issues, big life choices and trust. However, Strength coaching often goes beyond these areas of focus and touches your whole way of living and collaboration. I aim to help you to reach your full potential by  creating movement and a positive and energetic mindset. 

Team Coaching

Your team doesn’t perform as it should. Team members don’t collaborate well, don’t  communicate clearly and/or can give each other the blame for not reaching the goals. You as manager however, want them to become a High Performing Team, but don’t know how anymore. 

In Team Coaching sessions I work together with the complete team to improve trust, collaboration and a team spirit. To do this, I make sure that they know their own strengths, but mainly also respect each others’. 

Being aware of your own strength and weaknesses and those of others, increases understanding but also knowledge about who to turn to with questions. 

Career Coaching

You feel like changing your job and or entire career, but don’t know where to start. You believe is impossible to land that dream job or maybe you don’t even know what that dream job is. You do know however, that your are currently not in the right spot. 

During the career coaching sessions I will guide you towards formulating your dream job. Together, we will find actions for you to take in order to get closer to that ultimate goal. We will use your strengths to do that and help you overcome any obstacles that get in your way. 

You’ll understand, voice and use your Strengths in order to find your next step, while removing that little voice telling you that you can’t do it. Using the help of a coach to find and take action has helped many of my clients towards daring to dream a bit bigger than they ever dared and to actually land that job they secretly always dreamed off. 

Life Coaching

You are feeling stuck? Navigating through the world of social media, education choices, time management and all of live’s other mysteries can be hard. Coaching can help you through this transition by bringing a neutral and safe space to explore your best way forward. 

Together we will first establish the main topics and will go deeper into them. Most importantly, we will move on from the current feeling of being stuck, to finding solutions and actions to deal with this beautiful but difficult period in your life. We always look at your talents and energising factors as a basis to come up with solutions, to empower you to be your true and unique self and deal with any topic while feeling strong and confident. 

In any part of our life we can struggle to find a place where we can talk without judgement or steering. We are taught certain ways to behave or think, parents bring their own experiences, friends often struggle with the same problems and our partners have their own needs. Coaching provides a safe and neutral space in which you can explore your struggles and find your own ways of dealing with them. 

Please contact me to receive further details about prices and packages.

Why Work With Me?

There has never been a better time to use our talents and passion to overcome problems and rise to our potential. Getting back to what you or your team members do best, while finding more natural ways of voicing our unique traits.

I have been working with many individuals, both senior and junior, individual contributors, managers and teams on building trust in each other and themselves. Naming, claiming and aiming their uniqueness and using that to live THEIR perfect life.

My aim is to guide and nurture my clients during their self-discovery. I’ll ask questions, so that they can find the answers within themselves. I will always hold them as naturally creative, resourceful and whole, as I know the capabilities are there to make the right choices, their right choices. 



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Start Your Journey



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